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Covid-19 Updates

Update 6: 

We are back to full capacity with a mask recommendation, but no requirement. Our CCTV in the Fellowship Center and our services via Facebook Live are still available to those that so choose to take part.


Update 5: January 2021

In person worship will resume in January with physical distancing and masking being practiced.


Update 4: December 2020

At its regular monthly meeting, the Official Board of the Sunshine Advent Christian Church, made the very difficult decision to suspend in-person worship services for the month of December. This decision was made in response to the recent and dramatic increase of COVID cases at the Island Nursing Home. In order to be diligent in attempting to protect our congregation from the possibility of spreading COVID in a worship service, the Board decided to return to online worship services for at least the month of December. They will re-evaluate the situation following Christmas and make a new determination then.
        You need to know this was  a very difficult decision for the Board to make as we are entering Advent and Christmas. We wish it was not necessary. However, we do not want to put our congregation at unnecessary risk. It is our intention to attempt to provide online services Sunday mornings at 10:30am and Wednesday evening Bible Study and Prayer at 6:30pm (starting Wednesday, December 9th). There will be no Sunday School for the month of December.
        The pastor and Praise Team will be working to provide meaningful worship experiences and seeing if we can develop a Christmas Eve service to be provided online. We will keep you posted.
        Please know that Pastor Dean remains available for ministry, in person or via phone, and will be praying for all of you during this time. Watch the Rays of Sunshine for updates and church news. Thanks for your understanding, prayers and continued support. Our God is faithful and will see us through!


Update 3: November 2020

On Thursday, November 5th, Maine's Governor Janet Mills issued a new Executive Order which rolls back the state's attempt to re-open. Following a single day record 183 new reported cases of COVID-19, the Governor announced several changes, including some which will have a direct impact on our worship at the Sunshine Advent Christian Church. We want you to know about those changes and how we are responding.
        The Governor's Executive Order requires the wearing of masks in public settings, regardless of the ability to maintain physical distancing. The new order now directs that masks be wore at all times when in public areas. This means masks are required to enter and the entire time a person is in our sanctuary or fellowship center. The new order also requires masks be worn by those who may wish to worship outside (weather permitting). This order applies to everyone over 5 years of age, and is recommended for children 2-4 if  developmentally approrpriate.
        In consultation with with Board Chairman David Rhys, we have agreed to comply out of an abundance of caution. This means the Praise Team, as well as the Pastor, will be masked for the entire service, as will all of those worshipping onsite. This policy will continue until further notice. This will also be a requirement for our Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Meeting.
        In making this decision, one we sincerely wish was unncessary, we recognize some of you may feel you cannot attend the service in person. We will continue to offer our Sunday Worship services, both live and recorded, on our Facebook page, in hopes to make them available you.
        Please know this decision was difficult to make as we do not believe this is the way the church should have to function. We also believe the virus is real and potentially life-threatening for some. We want to love one another and we believe complying with this Executive Order is the loving thing to do at this time. If you have questions, please call the Pastor or the Board Chairman.


Update 2: September 2020

After cancelling our spring Sunday school classes due to Covid-19 and taking our summer break, we will resume our in person Sunday school classes for children and adults on September 13th. All of the previously listed guidelines for social distancing and mask wearing will continue being practiced. Materials for our children's Sunday school classes are available to families that plan to keep their children home during this time. 


Update 1: June 2020

It's Time to Resume Public Worship

       Our last public worship service was March 15th and we believe that the time has now come for us to carefully resume our public worship services. We currently plan to resume our public worship services on Sunday, June 7th at 10:30 am in our sanctuary. Our Bible study and prayer time will be held this Tuesday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Center. As we take this step hoping to return to gathering in person we have two primary desires; we want to glorify God with our praise and worship and we want to keep our worshipers safe. To do this we have made the decision to comply with the Governor's recommendations. As a result, we want you to know this will not be going back to the way things were before COVID - 19. Our world has changed.
       What to expect on Tuesday evening at our Bible study and prayer time until further notice:
        1. We encourage the wearing of face coverings by all attendees. (Wear your own if you have them, if not, we will have them available at the entrance).
        2. Practice social distancing; keep 6 feet apart.
        3. Avoid physical contact; no hand shaking, hugging, etc.
        4. Use hand sanitizer and practice frequent hand washing.
        5. Bring you own Bible, chair cushions, water bottles, etc. (kitchen will be off limits during prayer meeting.)
        6. If you are sick, please stay home.
        7. If you are at risk (over 65, have underlying medial conditions, are immunocompromised) consider staying home for the time being.

       What to expect on Sunday morning at worship.
       1. We encourage the wearing of face coverings by all attendees. (Wear your own if you have them, if not, we will have them available at the entrance).
        2. Practice social distancing; keep 6 feet apart.
        3. Avoid physical contact; no hand shaking, hugging, etc.
        4. Use hand sanitizer and practice frequent hand washing.
        5. Bring you own Bible, chair cushions, water bottles, etc. (kitchen will be off limits during prayer meeting.)
        6. Put your offering in the provided receptacle.
        7. On Communion Sundays pick up the communion emblems as you enter. These are prepackaged and will be used during the Lord's Supper at the end of our worship service.
        8. If you are sick, please stay home.
        9. If you are at risk (over 65, have underlying medial conditions, are immunocompromised) consider staying home for the time being.
        10. We will be dismissed by rows to help facilitate social distancing.

I know  this is not what we had hoped for when this pandemic began. I had wanted this to pass quickly and return to "normal". That is not what has happened. Let us all pledge to continue to pray and work together to be the church of Jesus Christ. We will continue to do what we can to provide safe, meaningful opportunities to worship and serve as the church and we need you to be a part of this ministry. God bless and I hope to see you soon.

       Pastor Dwight Dean


We'd love to hear from you



1156 Sunshine Road


Deer Isle, Maine 04627

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